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Henri Matisse. Meet The Artist! de Patricia Geis

Henri Matisse. Meet The Artist! de Patricia Geis

Autor: Patricia Geis
Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Arte, música y fotografía
Tapa blanda: 16 páginas
Editor: Preston Architectural; Edición: 01 (1 de octubre de 2014)
Colección: Meet the Artist
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 161689282X
ISBN-13: 978-1616892821
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Descripción - Henri Matisse: meet the artist provides an overview of Matisse's artistic career, reflecting on each pivotal period, including sculpture, fauve paintings, his friendship with Picasso and his paper cut-outs. Biografía del autor Patricia Geis is a graphic designer, an illustrator and the author of the previous titles from this series, Pablo Picasso and Alexander Calder.

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